The Club that Made Rotary International in 1910
Rotary Theme for the month of December is Disease Prevention and Treatment 
As you know, every month is dedicated to one of the major themes of our Rotary lives; this month the theme is that which RI is perhaps best known for, at least among non-Rotarians.
The eradication of polio has of course been Rotary International's s major worldwide, corporate effort since the early 1980’s.  And remarkable progress has been made.  The job is not finished however and you can rest assured that we will not, cannot, set this torch down until that job is finished.
Disease prevention and treatment is one of the Rotary Foundation Areas of Focus.  And for good reason.  The health and vitality of a person, a family and a community can be seriously impaired by what in many cases is a preventable disease.  Disease prevention is really a keystone to progress in other areas as well because of the interplay with other areas of focus like Water and Sanitation and Maternal & Child Health.

Although infectious diseases continue to be a major cause of illness and death across the globe, they are not the major health concerns for most developed countries. Now many people are seeing their lives shortened by chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Many of these conditions are not caused by infectious agents but are rather due to certain health behaviors and social conditions. 

Rotary’s continued involvement in Disease Prevention and Treatment will thus need to be directed toward finding solutions to these social and behavioral determinants of health while continuing to fight against existing and emerging disease threats. You as a Rotarian have been enlisted as being a part of that fight. Thanks for all you do to support these important initiatives.

We acknowledge that we are meeting on Treaty One Territory, Traditional Land of First Nations, and the Homeland of the Red River Metis. We recognize that the clean water we are drinking is sourced from the Shoal Lake 40 First Nation.   As Rotarians we acknowledge the harms and mistakes of the past and we dedicate ourselves to move forward in partnership with indigenous communities in the spirit of reconciliation and collaboration.
December 12
January 9, 2025
January 31, 2025  Oak Table Fund Raiser
For more info Contact Pat Austin,Chair patricia_austin@icloud.com
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We reached the distribution of 1,000 survival garden kits. 
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We meet at the Winnipeg Winter Club on the 2nd Wed. of the month  from September to June. at 6:30 pm
We Zoom all year on the 1st and 3rd Wed at 7:00 pm
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